Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Law of Diminishing Return

The "law of diminishing return," although actually an economics terms, can also be used to describe the long term effects of sexual addiction.

For all intents and purposes, sexual addiction is a progressive disease in that it gets worse with time, and the way it gets worse is that - as you may have noticed - it requires more to "get you off" today than it did years ago.  For example, when I was in high school, the photos I might view in a Playboy magazine were inflammatory enough to do the job.  However, after years of viewing pornography and masturbating to it, such photos may as well be of clothed women insofar as them being able to give one the "rush" that it is being sought.  That is what leads us from viewing such "tame" photos to seeking out video clips, etc., etc., etc.

I say "etc." here because I feel as though I've already gotten too graphic for a blog such as this, and anyone reading this can do their own inventory and recall what they started out viewing versus what things they have seen since.

The really bad news here is that, the longer one dances with the Devil in terms of sexual addiction, the more mired we can become in it.  And the "advanced" or "advancing," if you will, stages of this disease are what leads to affairs, anonymous sex, seeking out prostitutes, etc.  This is also what leads some sex addicts to force themselves upon people who are not interested in them and, in the most advance stage of all, causes so-called "serial killers" to murder.  Remember: there is a terrifying adage involved in all of this: not every sex addict becomes a serial killer, but every serial killer is a sex addict.

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