Saturday, April 9, 2011

About the name "Jonah Daily"

As you may have surmised, "Jonah Daily" is not my real name.  Instead, it is a pseudonym I've adopted in order that:
(1) My family's anonymity may be protected; and

(2) I might share things I might not otherwise share were I writing under my real name.
With that said, here's the significance of the name:


In Chapter 1 of the Book of Jonah, the author recounts that the Lord instructed Jonah to go to Ninevah and preach to its citizens.  "But Jonah ran away," the Bible says, and he boarded a ship in order that he might, "flee from the Lord."

Far too many times in my lifetime I've known precisely what God wanted me to, and disregarded His commands, only to eventually find that - to use the old cliche - "Father knows best."  Then, and only then, and usually while lamenting yet another life implosion, do I acknowledge that doing what God wanted me to do in the first place was the way to go.  It reminds me of a friend who once said that he'd told his daughter, "Either you can: (a) do what I tell you do; or (b) you can give me attitude, I can spank you, and then you can do what I tell you to do."


Overcoming addiction (or if you don't believe in addiction, a sin problem) is a conscious effort to which we must commit ourselves on a daily basis.  As Christ said in Luke 9: 23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

So, in other words, the name "Jonah Daily" is a reminder to me that God (and not me) has the answers, and that I must remember that daily.

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